Saturday 22 October 2011

Can't Get Log-in too facebook...

I don't know whats the matter, but i can't log-in too facebook this morning from my home page, all i'm getting is diagnostics blank page, maybe this will go through aye!

I had some fun and laughter on FB last night, its always good to have a laugh.

I might write some funny experiences here later that happened to someone and who could that be i wonder..."?" Yes! theres been some really funny things happen to "?" over the years where we've been falling bout with laughter and some where the joke was on him...hehe! Not that he thought them to be funny though as they were painful funnies, but to others it was their wicked sense of humor that took them over...LOL.
Now, lets see if this goes through to FB...

1 comment:

vicky said...

nice information i like it very much